Overcomers of narcissistic abuse!

Here's how to get moving, build confidence, and finally make those daydreams a reality.

Check out Redefined - by Jennifer Kramer

Hey there, Overcomer.

Jennifer Kramer, here…creator of The Redefined Process. Do you really want to move into a new realm of confidence, security and momentum that takes you FAR beyond the survival mode where you found yourself stuck early on in recovery?

Here's the secret:

No more reading endless facts about narcissistic behavior, believing that more knowledge (in and of itself) is what's actually going to propel you into this next phase of healing. Remember, no more survival mode...we're looking to THRIVE. And that's going to take the right tools, backed by action from you, and only you. 

At the start of my healing journey, I felt completely overwhelmed by all that had occurred, and all the challenges that lay ahead. I was juggling so much, and even though I did experience relief after the abusive relationship ended, I didn't feel instantly "fixed". 

I knew that I needed to reconnect with my sense of self...my very identity. I'd lost touch with my creative side, and wanted to tap back into that. I chose to rent a small art studio, as a radical act of self care. A place to begin...

Then I started implementing a unique art and writing process… the tools that actually helped me dig into my core identity, draw it out, stand FIRM in who I am, and take confident action toward my dreams.

After consistent practice with this, I was able to improve my relationships, feel more at ease in my body, launch my business, and actually see what is possible for my life.

As an art therapist and people-helper at my core, I knew I couldn't just keep this to myself.

So I decided to reverse engineer the entire process and create a step-by-step plan to help you achieve this confidence, ease, and direction.

This is the exact framework that I teach in The Redefined Process, a 10-Week Challenge within my Redefined mobile app. It will help you reconnect with and redefine your identity in a way that feels fun and free.


Now, if you're thinking...

“Uh-oh… another sales page from another online coach.

I bet she’s gonna try and convince me that she’s found the Holy Grail…

… the key to feeling happy 24/7, eliminating trauma triggers forever, and how to instantly manifest the relationship of my dreams... blah, blah, blah...”

Ummm… no.


There is no Holy Grail.

There is no magic key.

However, if you’re looking to finally have an overall sense of confidence, plus more peace, direction and the ability to put some big action behind those big dreams...

… I might be able to help.

If that's you, then keep reading (or just skip down to the bottom).

Get Access to the Same Process I Use…

With The Redefined Process, you'll get detailed directions and video tutorials so you can learn the exact framework that has been so instrumental in my own healing from narcissistic abuse. This process continues to be a foundational part of my personal development work, and always will be. That's how life-changing it's been for me (and now for my clients).

The cost is $46.99 USD per month. Try it out for a month, or stick with me all year...it's up to you. 

Here’s what you get with The Redefined Process…

So, I actually haven't even told you the best part yet...

My 10-Week Challenge, The Redefined Process, is now a part of the Redefined Membership inside my unique app. 

That means...

You don't just get the step-by-step framework, like an online course. You do get that, PLUS:

> Bi-weekly LIVE Group Coaching 

> Community Chat with other members

> Private Messaging with me 

>Four Video Bundles, packaged as separate courses

> Activity Tracking 

> Access to schedule 1-1 coaching as needed

And it's all included in that $46.99 monthly membership. This is a highly interactive group coaching program, not simply an educational course. 

It's about making a commitment, and taking action. 

Not sure if you're ready for all that just yet? It's okay. There's a lot more for you to check out inside the Redefined app. You've gotta start where you are...pick what's best for you: 

> Access my FREE 7-day course, Overcoming With Jennifer, where I answer common questions from the community and share related art + writing prompts.

> Access my FREE min-course, Intro to Studio Sessions to learn foundational principals behind art therapy.

> Activity Tracking

> FREE Community chat!

This process works even if you’re burned out…

Like I said, there's nothing magical here, and no big promise that I can't realistically fulfill. This is about you making a commitment to yourself to show up for YOU, put in the effort, follow my framework, and ultimately make it your own. 

I know you've probably tried a lot of other solutions, and might feel burned out on this self-healing roller coaster. I'm here to guide you with my experience and knowledge. We all need somebody in our corner who's just a few steps ahead. Someone who gets it and is willing to show up for us as we show up for ourselves.

I'm your person. Let's do this.

I guarantee you…

Remember, The Redefined Process 10-Week Challenge is part of the monthly Redefined Membership. So that means if you commit to one month, fully engage in all the content and other app features, and still don't like it, you can cancel your subscription at any time. No lump sum required up-front, and no obligation to stick it out for the whole 10 weeks if you're really not experiencing the growth you were looking for. I'm super confident that you will get a huge amount of value from the ongoing membership but, you know...just FYI.

Join the challenge now!

Here's what some of my clients had to say about their experience with my Redefined programs:

“I'd spent so much of my life supporting...other people...I knew it was finally time to turn that...compassion inward. I wasn't exactly sure how The Redefined Process could help, but I decided to try it, as an investment in myself. And I'm so glad I did!..." -Anonymous Member

“As someone who is almost done with The Redefined Process [10-week challenge]...I encourage any of you who have gotten a taste from these zoom sessions and want to keep going, it has been a beautiful, life-changing endeavor for me. I would've totally said 'I'm not an art person' but Jennifer's program has brought up layers of my experiences with narcissistic abuse and current and future healing that I didn't know were there, and given me some tools that I will continue to use to redefine ME and my story. It's so worth it!" -Alex

“I have numbed the part of me that wanted to heal for a long time. I was drowning in the pain and fear of the abuse as this was all I knew. After attending 2 workshops [Studio Sessions] I am still a little afraid but the rush of healing emotions came up. I want to feel these emotions. I want to heal and finally feel free." -Dee

“It [Redefined] has already helped me rediscover and reconnect with my inner self...Now that I have ME on my side, I feel empowered to shape the course of my life in ways I'd forgotten were possible." -Anonymous Member

”I really enjoyed participating in all four of the live Studio Sessions group with Jennifer and the students.  It was great taking time for myself as part of my healing process.  Jennifer leads us to see the OVERCOMERS that we are!” -Denise

“It turns out that little voice I was so afraid of was actually trying to help me all along! Listening to it has helped me realize that I am strong, I am capable, and I am resilient." -Anonymous Member

“It [Redefined] has become my only outlet for letting go of emotions that have been locked away for so long. Seeing the emotions on paper and having it stare back at me is such a sense of relief that it is going to be okay in the long run." -Anonymous Member

Check out Redefined - by Jennifer Kramer

I’ll see you on the inside,
